Many have asked if I'm OK here since all the protests are happening. So far yes, but it's beyond my control and I'm not going to live my life in fear and hide out for months while these guys figure shit out. I support them protesting the illegal government and if I was a Thai I'd join them. They've shut down half the city by blocking roads and camping out. I ride through their gatherings all the time: not by choice, I just don't know where they roll and I run into them. Here's a vid of a bunch of them riding by my neighborhood, they just kept coming and coming so I got bored and went to see Clash of the Titans.
This vid is my first ride through their main gathering point back on April 4th. It was early and no one died yet so things were mellow, but notice how many blocks they took over. I turned the camera off because it got boring.
This video is from April 12th, I was on my way home and got detoured as the mobs were growing, this is the time people started dying.
Lastly is a video my friend made of the more recent gatherings in the main tourist shopping area called Siam. I rode through 5 blocks of this area on April 17th but it was raining so I knew they weren't going to be violent.
Since I look Asian they don't stop me driving through their barricades. Guess I'll probably end up being a casualty of a bomb or something. Some Japanese photographer was killed and a bomb went off 2 miles from my place. Whatever, beats being in the Middle East and it's not a shark attack. I bet more people are killed in LA every week than they do in a year here so its no big deal. I remember some dude got shot one block away from me in South LA. I'd be more concerned living in Detroit, Atlantic City, or New Orleans than in BKK.
I'm hoping that all this protesting will reduce tourism forever. Thai people are getting greedy and lazier because jackass Westerners and tourists are paying too much giving them easy money. I don't see where the Thais get off charging 40% import duties and $5 for a crap beer at a club when the infrastructure of the city is so pitiful. There's definite discrimination here, they automatically double or triple rent and product prices just because you look Western. The cops charge me $6 a moving violation, the Thais pay a dollar. You think American politics are corrupt? Well at least some money makes it back to making America look nice: paving the roads, clean water, and educating its people. All the money the Thais take is never put back into making the country, its people, or businesses better. It all ends up in some politician's bank account while the country continues to look like a shithole. My friends tell me there was a time when you took a girl home and she would cook you breakfast and wash your dishes in the morning. Not anymore. I've paid $10 to have my tiny apartment cleaned and my microwave is still filthy. I can clean my place better than these so called professionals. In a global sense this place is like New Orleans, if it vanished it wouldn't matter. The people and business done here is not advancing society, in fact Thailand is just polluting the Earth and doing nothing to better it. Don't get me wrong its still dirt cheap and awesome to live here, I just want to keep the idiots in check by bringing them down. Yay, Revolution!!