Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving at John's

These are the dudes I go drinking with here. My friend John had people over for a Thanksgiving primer and then we headed out to an American BBQ place. John is doing well for himself and has a big 2 bedroom/2 bath pad and a maid. He and his bro sprung for a most delicious Western spread of appetizers that I have grown to miss. Most Western foods here are 3+ times costly than back in the US. A block of Cracker Barrel cheese, Prego pasta sauce, or an Old El Paso salsa jar is like 6-7 dollars here.

Later we went to a place called American Rib Company, it was run by an old white dude. The buffet cost $35 and the food sucked. If you took an American of a certain southern ethnicity to this place, the owner would have a cap in his ass in no time. I think these dipshits actually boiled the ribs before grilling them and dousing them in crap sauce. I've made BBQ ten times better in my cheap smoker back in LA. If I wasn't so lazy I'd put this guy out of business in a week.

Next year we're just going to stay in and make a better dinner for ourselves and for a lot less. I really know why Americans are so fat, all food is tasty and cheap. I'd love a Carl's $6 burger or some Taco Bell right now.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

09 Nov Scooter Show

So there was a Vespa and big scooter show today at MBK shopping mall. Me and my two scootin buds went to check it out. Some interesting bikes and a trio of hot Thai dancer girls. I took the pics and video with my iphone. Surprisingly good picture quality, but the loud music didn't turn out well. See all the pics on my Picasa page.