So one of the fanciest malls here in BKK is called Siam Paragon where they sell Gucci, Prada, and all the other expensive stuff (even Lambos and Porsches on the 3rd floor). Well they had an ad for the Gundam Expo and you know I love my robots. So the expo was actually quite small but it was free so I can't complain.
Bandai owns the Gundam franchise. Besides the TV shows and movies, they make a hundred+ of the most advanced plastic model kits in the world. They have the most advanced plastic molding machines in the world. Some of their plastic parts have multiple colors flowing into the same mold, that's uncommon but not that hard. What's crazy is how they can have a single molded piece of plastic become a multi-jointed moving arm or leg with just a few cuts. Anyway enough nerd talk.
The expo had the history of Gundam, their model kit history, and some models made by pros. So now I'm on a Gundam fix. I went and bought some smaller model kits and will get back into making models. I'll have to stream some episodes soon so I can know what all these robots do in their stories. My favorite model was this sky blue crab like robot below. It's so ridiculous looking I like it and now I'm going to have make one of them soon. Check all the pics on my Picasa page, there were some really cool models that took hundreds of hours to make.